Monday, December 19, 2011

To all the hopeless romantics...

I read this comment on Facebook made by a friend's friend. This goes out to all of us, waiting for a thousand years... (chos!)

I know some day, somehow your hands will fit someone's and you would wake up with someone beside you who would smile at you the moment he opens his eyes and will kiss you and put his arms around you and he would thank God that you are with him.
It is a hopeful reality that he is just right there around the corner.
One of these days there will be someone who will fit your hands so perfectly. One who will take care of your heart; that the mere thought of hurting it will bring more pain to his heart that he will dare not do it. Your task now is to never stop in finding him. Until it is not the right one, refuse to give your love. Refuse to be in love alone. Then your life should be defined like this: To love and be loved or not love at all.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A stroll down memory lane...

I am the sentimental kind. I try to keep things that hold memories like how I tried to keep my intramural shirts from Grade 5 to high school. But while i was in Manila for college, my mom gave a few away! My grade 6, 3rd and 4th year shirts are what's left of them. She has always scolded me for keeping too much unnecessary things. 

While it is true that they are unnecessary, they too are significant. 

Yesterday, I was cleaning my stuff. Transferring them to another container- to accommodate more! haha As I sorted through them, it was a stroll down memory lane... 

Here are the stuff i found:

 Bunny Ears headband: China Trip with my high school friends last Feb 2011. Bunny ears since it was Year of the Rabbit. 

Chopsticks from Kenwyn right after her Korea trip, right?? hahaha

Chopsticks from Ate Tina for my birthday :) 

Scrapbook from COSCA family for my birthday :) 

My SGV notebook!!! haha with the notes pa ;) 

The giveaway given by Smart IA. This now contains my speaker. hehe I still use the bag btw...  

Hat from Ilocos during our first ever trip outside Manila :) The trip was with my blockmates in Ilocos on May 2011. 

 Pillow from Jason during our Manito Manita. I forgot the themeee!

This was also from Jason. Ardee, Erms and I had one each. If i remember it correctly, he won this at Timezone? And he got the biggest stuff toy??? 

Coin purse during our Dakak trip with high school friends last April 2010 :) 

 DLSU rosary!!! :)

My SGV stuff:  Training id, Raflympics pin, my atm card, my IDs :) I've kept them as souvenirs. 

COSCA pin: i had this during the strike at Ayala Ave.  

Tickets from our recent Hong Kong trip with Ardee, Erms, Jason, RK and Olive.  

Expo ticket and Dalian Ocean Park entrance ticket. This was during our trip to Dalian and Shanghai with Ate Esme, Sir Rex, Kuya Mark and Jejerome for Accenture. May 2010?? or June?? 

Gift from ms. Shiella, my SA for Lear. :)

Hair clip from Denneel. I miss you, Denneel!!! :) 

DLSU pin during our graduation! 

My to do list after the board exam. 

Christmas card from Bonbon and high school pictures!  

Giveaway during our China trip with hs friends.

Scrapbook form Vainacad when i  left Manila to return to Cebu, permanently. Miss you, girliesss :)

My first Halloween everrrrr

Halloween has been an annual event for my high school friends. We keep it private- as do other events we have. This year's the third. I was never part of the first two since i was still in Manila on 2009, and for some unknown reason, I was also in Manila last 2010. 

My first halloween experience was a blast! haha I TRIED to be Lady Gaga, but unfortunately, I didn't find any blonde wig! Next year, I shall try to do Lady Gaga justice. hahaha 

Here's a complete picture of the characters.

From Left: Franz as Diego, Wynne as Uncle Sam, Sherry as Dora, Taltal as Officer Yu, Rayleen as Mulan, Carlo as Pringles, Hannah as Amy Winehouse, Me as Lady Gaga (SUPER FAIL!!!) and Precious as Edward(a) Scissorhands

October 29-30, 2011

If you can turn back time, will you?

It takes a simple post on Facebook to disturb you- "If you can turn back time, will you?"

The first thing i thought of: In my 24 years of existence, as i recall the events in my life, I only have one regret, one which took place on 03/10/10. If I can turn back time, I'd go back to that day and take that chance away. I could have saved myself from all the torment. No matter how i plead for it, good memories may no longer be redeemed for they have been buried by cruelty.

But looking at the big picture, without that episode, i would have been the same person- closed and boring. It has taught me a lot indeed. It has changed me, for the better i believe. 

As i ponder on life, experience is good. Cliche as it may sound, it is the best teacher. And from my point of view, one should experience hell to identify what heaven is. Further, change is good; we learn to adapt for if we don't, we'd end up perished, but more importantly, we get to have a different experience, one that teaches us what to do and what not to do, a.k.a LEARN.

Thus, on second thought, if i could turn back time, i wouldn't change anything. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Last Goodbye

It is just sad that after everything i've done to you, this is what you do to me in return. I was really hurt. Grabe. You were the last person i thought of who could do that to me. I really thought highly of you. I was there at your lowest, and during the time at my lowest, you even step on me further. You told me yourself how i helped you on how you changed your perspective in life, even your friend did. Is that how you repay help? Just imagine. And i had to let it all go just like that. The person whom i thought of, is completely the opposite. I don't know what i've done to you for you to treat me that way. But i had to let it all go. 

I'm telling you this cause i never had the chance to... You never gave me one. Thank you.

And when the right time comes, when you have answers to my questions, please tell me cause i would really like to know. Thank you for the lessons. And now, i can say this sincerely, God bless you... 

Sunday, September 18, 2011


OMG, thank YOU for my friends =..) I'm am truly overwhelmed. They may be far, but they always look out for me :..) I want to cry!!! hahahaha Thank You, G :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


24. haha Akin to Adele's 19 and 21... gaya gaya!!!

24- I am officially old. haha Last year, i couldn't even celebrate being 23 simply because i felt old. A year has passed, but now, i am more excited to face life. I am a year older, a year wiser. And realizing that i should be happy for whatever i have now; for the people who care for me. It has been heart warming knowing they have my back always. Thank you, friends! You know who you are. :)

I have realized that for the past years, certain changes have been occurring in my life. At 20, I became a CPA; at 21, i worked (yeah, it's such a big deal for me); at 22, i fell; at 23, i was broken; and now that i will be turning 24, i am ready to face a new path, new challenges, new things! 

I am excited! And i only have the One to be thankful for... Thank YOU so much. I thought i wouldn't have done it, but i did. And it was all because of You! Now, i am ready for whatever You have to shower upon me, be it bad or good. Thank You, G! :) 

Surprise me, wow me! With Your grace, I am ready :)